At Limit


Categories: Trading, Managed Funds

It's basically another term for a limit order when buying or selling securities. Example: You want to sell 1,000 shares of Colonel Electric (The General got demoted after it cut its dividends).

The shares have been trading wildly between $15 and $25 a share. You don’t want to feel like a moron for having sold them at $15, when six weeks later they kiss $25. With tongue.

So what do you do? You put in a LIMIT ORDER.

That is, you put a limit of a minimum price of $25/share (AT THAT LIMIT) for Colonel Electric, such that those shares will simply sit in your account, maybe forever…until somebody out in the wild blue yonder of Stockland is willing to pay AT LIMIT $25 or more for the shares where you have put a minimum price limit of $25/share in your order.

So here’s to hoping they sell, and don’t get further demoted. Sergeant Electric is just a place you don’t want to go.

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finance a la shmoop what is training volume training volume with a lot of


volume and this is trading with okay yeah yeah you get the idea [Man shouting into megaphone]


volume here is not about number 11 on the dial but rather about the number of [Person turning up volume dial]


shares trading back and forth on a given day week hour a month and generally


speaking higher levels of volume are a relatively bullish sign for the market [Water pouring]


on all else being equal that is optimistic investors are putting money


into the system buying up stocks and contributing liquidity like they are [Investor money transfer to stock market]


seeking risk they're hopeful they're optimistic lots of volume high liquidity


low volume low liquidity and high is good


Inessa not just a california proposition 64 thing high volumes are attractive to [People protesting for cannabis]


large institutional professional traders and investors because there remains the


perception that if they want to sell a given position well then with high


volumes they can get out quickly so they feel less hesitation about getting in


quickly okay good just checking [Man shouting into megaphone]

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