Consumer Goods Sector

Categories: Index Funds, Investing

If you’re an American, you could probably throw away half your stuff and still have more than the average Canadian. Flat-screen TVs, cheap cotton shirts, a cupboard full of canned foods you’ll probably donate before they expire, mismatching Hanes socks, cracked computer monitors, and yes, a compact disc player sitting in a box next to an old MP3 player.

They’re all part of the consumer goods sector. This sector relies heavily on customer taste, behavior, and downright gluttony to remain profitable. This sector defines Americanism. It’s the reason you have a “Junk Drawer.”

Here, you’ll find cheap, affordable, likely imported stuff that you can fill your house with. Then, when you’ve got too many things that say “Made in China,” you could donate them.

“Could” is the key word.

But odds are you’re an all-American hoarder. So you’ll just rent out a storage facility, because your brain has convinced you you’ll die alone without all those Tupperware lids, remote controls, 67 cell phone chargers, headphones without the earbuds, Red-Blue-Green cords to televisions that can’t even be sold for parts anymore, and for some reason old keys that haven’t kissed the inside of a lock in decades.

Companies in the consumer goods sector are heavily consolidated, and have very lean operations. They make inexpensive things and sell them to us 365 days a year. Then they fill the television screens with advertisements for newer versions of these products. Our compulsion to be popular drives us to consume.

And then comes the big day. The Super Bowl of Consumer Goods Brands.

On Black Friday, The Day after Thanksgiving, we reenact Thunderdome in the aisle of Walmart because we are dying for that outdated model of the VIZIO television now that it’s 30% off.

It’ll look great in a storage locker in five years.

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Finance: What is a Sector Fund?5 Views


Finance allah shmoop What is a sect or fund All


right Well star wars and star trek captains are all


these barking about setting coordinates for sector for stat or


whatever they say That means urgent in the future right


We'll hear space here's sector four and it's Ah well


kind of a slice of space Ok now come back


to earth gently And as it applies to mutual funds


it's kind of the same notion that is A sector


comprises a particular discipline of investing Like think of it


like a slice of the s and p five hundred


Like one sector of the economy is banking Another is


tech Another is telecommunications And then there's oil and transport


And consumer durables in each of these areas has hundreds


of ways in which investors can invest in that particular


sector That is there are index funds that invest in


it Yeah Mutual funds hedge funds private equity funds Even


venture capital funds Each of whom has a particular discipline


or focus on lee in one sector More less so


why would you want to sector fund Well if you


believe that oil was about tohave an explosion in demand


the good kind of explosion Then you'd want to beam


or exposed to it financially at least to its upside


Then say you would technology which you feel has gotten


too expensive in the markets And its best days are


behind it It's A little like putting several of your


eggs into one particular basket because you really like that 00:01:30.519 --> [endTime] basket

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