Forbes 500

Categories: Index Funds

Up until 2003, Forbes magazine issued an annual list of the top 500 companies in the United States in terms of sales, profits, employees, market value, and assets. This innest of the business in-crowd was known as the Forbes 500; anyone who wanted to know who’s who in American business needed only check out that list.

But the times they are a-changin', and it was decided in 2003 that only looking at American businesses wasn’t giving Forbes fans a complete picture of the biz world. So the Forbes 500 list was relegated to the archives and replaced with a newer, shinier list called the Forbes Global 2000. This list showcases the top 2000 publicly-traded companies in the whole world, not just here in the U S of A. It uses basically the same parameters, except it doesn’t measure employees anymore. It focuses mainly on sales, profits, assets, and market share.

Just like receiving an Oscar nomination, it’s an honor just to be included on the list.

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