International Investing


Taking your dough all around the world.

Do good companies grow outside the U.S.? Of course they do. See Alibaba and Tencent for details. (They're bigger than Google, in case you live in a red, white, and blue shoebox.)

By investing internationally, outside of domestic-only investments, you (in theory, at least) mitigate risk by adding diversity to your portfolio. The notion is that American Exceptionalism doesn't exclusively apply to our capital markets system, and that other countries around the world are, in fact, populated by humans. Humans are capitalists at heart, living in a financially Darwinian world, and they'll seek out profitable long-term gains in China and Brazil and Russia the same way they do in America.

All good, as long as the numbers.

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Finance a la shmoop what are diversified versus non diversified funds?


all right diversified a few eggs each in lots of baskets non-diversified all your [Baskets of eggs appear]


eggs in one basket diversified a mutual fund with 128 different growth equities


in it like Coke, Disney, JPMorgan and Tesla non-diversified Mark Zuckerberg [Diversified and non-diversified company's appear]


portfolio diversified a portfolio with stocks bonds real estate commodities and


fancy artwork from some talented dead people non diversified when your entire [Undiversified portfolio appears]


holdings comprise this.. when you invest in a diversified fund you spread your


money around ie stick your fingers in a whole bunch of different pies so that if [Woman puts finger into pie]


one pie turns out to be well poisoned it won't mean financial death at least not


unless you're a thumbsucker [Baby sucking thumb]

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