Product Placement
Categories: Marketing
Products. Things that'd be advertised as cool things to buy.
You'd see the ads on TV in 30-second commercials (you can now skip quickly or avoid altogher by subscribing to Hulu). Those are just ads that consumers are turning away from more and more. But consumers also like their stuff free (or free-ish). So ads aren't going away any time. They'll just get placed differently.
And product placement is a Thing now. Products get placed in the TV shows we watch, the movies we see. Like...when James Bond visits a hotel, he could visit any hotel. But if it's the Four Seasons Bahamas, don't you think Four Seasons not only gave everyone making the movie free rooms, but paid the producers handsomely to be the hotel James prefers?
Watch The Bachelor, and it's no accident that he drinks Michelob beer or wears Nike shoes or opts for Equinox gym. Those companies will have paid ABC for the privilege of having their products featured as must-have items that The Cool Poeple must have in their lives. Because, like...who doesn't want to be one of those people on The Bachelor?
Okay, maybe not everyone. But we still watch.