Takeover Artist


Categories: Entrepreneur

See: Takeover.

Someone who's really good at taking over companies. What makes them good? Well, there are really two elements here. The buying comes first. Can they find the right fragile company that's stumbling, thanks to bad management? Or is fighting upstream in an environment now heavy with tech, but where they're not equipped to fight? Maybe they have blocks of angry frustrated shareholders and insiders who, for a modest premium in stock price, would sell out enough blocks of stock so that the takeover artist now controls the company.

So the buying is a combo of gentle massage and axe-murdererness, with gentle threats and FUD-wringing all over the place. That's the first part. The second is the operations of the company, performed way better after it's been bought. Like...does the artist know how to deal with long form union contracts? Can they source from Mexico and China and save 500 basis points in costs? Can they refinance debt from the Germans on better terms? Can they technologify things and make the product hip and cool again, so that stores actually want to stock it without big checks upfront?

That's all part of the art, yes, The art of the deal, more or less.

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Finance a la shmoop what is a pacman defense?


[Pacman eating] yeah well wacka wacka to you too...Hostile takeovers are rare in real life not so


rare in pac-man but when they do happen there exists a whole cadre of strategies


behind defending them at least from the company's perspective being taken over


there and pac-man defense is inarguably the best named strategy of all of


them in essence what happens when we'll say an angry competitor let's call him


blinky Inc tries to buy an angrier competitor let's call them inky inc.


well blinky would be buying shares of inky in the open marketplace filing to [Blinky and inky appear]


go past 15% ownership and eventually own enough shares to elect its own Board of


Directors and make a takeover happen well in a Pac Man defense as blinky is


snarfing up shares of inky, inky buys shares of blinky sort of turning the


tables you know like this and while you're gobbling up that competition and [Pacman gobbling competition]


don't forget to eat a bunch of cherries or a strawberry every once in a while


because you know you still need your fruits and veggies

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