Types of Intelligence
Categories: Marketing
Intelligence isn’t just limited to IQ. No way. Uh-uh. Different theories suggest different numbers, but thus far, researchers in lab coats have identified 9 types:
1) Naturalistic Intelligence: Sensitivity to nature. This is the person who has an affinity for animals, plants, or both. Even rocks and clouds might hold special meaning for people with high levels of NI.
2) Musical Intelligence: The level to which a person has an ear for music. Not just listening. Do they hear the music? With high MI, they certainly do.
3) Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: High levels of LMI indicate a person who is good at arguing facts with someone…it is also indicative of that math wiz everyone wants for a tutor…the type of person NASA is going to recruit and pay a lot of money to.
4) Existential Intelligence: The deep thinker. The philosopher. The person who delves into the mystery of existence.
5) Interpersonal Intelligence: The people person. The person who gets along with everyone and understands others…almost instinctually.
6) Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: Cat-like dexterity. These people are very aware of their bodily capability. They’re graceful. They’re coordinated. Unless they have low levels of BKI…then they’re clumsy and probably fun to watch.
7) Linguistic Intelligence: The higher the level of LI, the better able a person is to communicate in words in such a way as to get the message across clearly. Don’t laugh at this. There are people who get paid oodles of money just to talk…because they’re really good at it.
8) Intrapersonal Intelligence: These are people who know themselves. They understand themselves. That may sound unimpressive, but it’s not. Most people lie to themselves and really do not understand what’s going on within. But people with high levels of Intrapersonal Intelligence do…right down to the very core of their souls.
9) Spatial Intelligence: These are people who are highly creative. They’ve got the whole three-dimensional thing pegged and can come up with some intense stuff. Their imaginations are constantly active.
And yeah, you can be intelligent in more than one way. And, frighteningly...potentially in none of them.