A Clash of Kings Chapter 13 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Daenerys I

  • Caught between factions of Khal Drogo's once mighty khalasar, Daenerys Targaryen decides she and her people will follow the red comet into the Red Waste.
  • True to its name, the Red Waste is pretty desolate. Several members of Dany's khalasar die crossing it, and life remains miserable for those who live.
  • During the journey, Dany names her dragons. The green one will be Rhaegal, the cream-and-gold one Viserion, and the black one Drogon (13.Daenerys.24-26).
  • Eventually they come to a ghost town, but Dany decides her people can suffer ghosts if it means food and fresh water.
  • Jorah tells Dany why he was exiled from his home: He went into debt trying to keep his second wife, Lynesse, happy—and when he took to selling slaves to make some extra scratch, Ned Stark came after him.
  • He and his wife fled to Lys, and she eventually shacked up with a merchant prince named Tregar Ormollen. It's the classic tale of boy meets girl, girl runs boy into debt, boy becomes sellsword in foreign land.
  • Dany realizes Jorah is totally in love with her, but she also realizes she can't love him in that way.
  • Two weeks later, Dany sends her bloodriders to see what lies beyond the Red Waste.
  • Jhogo returns with Pyat Pree, Xaro Xhoan Daxos, and Quaithe of the Shadow. They hail from the city Qarth, and they have heard dragons have returned to the world.