Penny Lane (Kate Hudson)’s Timeline and Summary

Penny Lane (Kate Hudson)’s Timeline and Summary

  • We meet Penny in San Diego when William misidentifies her and her friends as "groupies." She clarifies that they are Band Aids.
  • William introduces Penny to Russell Hammond—though it's clear the two already know each other quite well.
  • After the concert, Penny shares with William her plan to leave for Morocco.
  • Penny and William drive up to Los Angeles to meet up with Stillwater. There, she rekindles her romance with Russell.
  • Penny explains to William that Russell is her last project before she retires, and that she wants to help him be great.
  • William breaks to the news to Penny that she has to leave the tour. Heartbroken, she still follows the band to New York.
  • Distraught after being rejected by Russell, Penny overdoses on Quaaludes. She is saved, however, by William. She later shares "all her secrets" with him before leaving to go back home.
  • Penny receives a call from Russell, who explains that he wants to meet with her. She gives him William's address instead.
  • In the movie's final montage, we see Penny leaving for Morocco.