Deckard (Harrison Ford)’s Timeline and Summary

Deckard (Harrison Ford)’s Timeline and Summary

  • While getting a meal at a sushi stand in downtown L.A., Deckard's co-worker, Gaff, shows up and forces him to go to the police station.
  • There, Deckard's boss, Bryant, gives him an assignment: he has to hunt down and kill four escaped Nexus 6 replicants, who've arrived on earth after hijacking a space shuttle and killing the crew and passengers.
  • Deckard visits Dr. Eldon Tyrell, the creator of the replicants, with whom he discusses the issue. He also meets Rachael, his love interest and an advanced replicant who doesn't realize that she is one.
  • Back at Deckard's place, he meets with Rachael and tells her that she's a replicant.
  • At the apartment of one of the replicants, Deckard finds a snake scale, which eventually leads him to Zhora, a replicant who's performing as an exotic dancer as a club.
  • After Zhora attacks Deckard and flees the scene, he chases her down and kills her. Another replicant, Leon, almost murders Deckard immediately thereafter—but Rachael shows up and shoots Leon dead.
  • Back at Deckard's apartment, he and Rachael sleep together.
  • Deckard is sent over to the apartment of J. F. Sebastian, who's been found murdered with Dr. Tyrell. There, he battles with one of the replicants, Pris, finally shooting and killing her.
  • But Pris's lover, Roy Batty, shows up and chases Deckard around the apartment.
  • In the end, however, Roy spares Deckard's life, showing him mercy before dying due to his expired time limit as a replicant.
  • Deckard heads back to his apartment, fearing that another blade runner might have hunted her down and killed her. But she's still alive—Gaff has spared her (and left an origami unicorn hinting that Deckard may actually be a replicant himself—Gaff is apparently aware of the content of Deckard's dreams).
  • Together, Deckard and Rachael leave the apartment, their future uncertain.
  • If you watch the original version of the movie, there's a happy ending in which Deckard and Rachael drive out to a beautiful Western landscape, ready to start a new life.