Charlie Bucket Timeline and Summary


Charlie Bucket Timeline and Summary

  • Charlie Bucket lives in a tiny house with his parents and four grandparents. They don't have a lot of money.
  • This little guy loves him some chocolate, and he always enjoys passing Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory in town and sniffing the chocolatey air.
  • Charlie's Grandpa Joe tells him all sorts of stories about the factory, and one day Willy Wonka announces that he will allow five children into the factory – all they have to do is find a Golden Ticket in a Wonka Chocolate bar.
  • After a couple unsuccessful chocolate bar openings (one from his birthday and one from some money his Grandpa Joe saved), he finds some money on the ground and buys a chocolate bar with a Golden Ticket in it.
  • His Grandpa Joe accompanies him to the factory tour, and the factory is marvelous. There are the most amazing inventions of chocolates and sweets you could ever imagine.
  • One by one, the other four children get themselves into trouble and have to leave the tour. Eventually, Charlie is the only child left.
  • Mr. Wonka tells Charlie he's won, and they take a great glass elevator through the ceiling of the factory.
  • It turns out Mr. Wonka is giving Charlie the factory because he's getting old. The whole factory will be his!
  • In the elevator, Charlie, Grandpa Joe, and Mr. Wonka go to the Bucket household, pick up the rest of the family, and bring them back to the factory to live happily ever after.