


Character Role Analysis


Usually, when you've got an evil god of chaos with two demonic dog minions in a movie, you can be sure you've found your antagonist. It's pretty cut and dry. Gozer wants to destroy the world, while the Ghostbusters want to save it.

On a more personal level, Gozer has taken Dana, the love interest of our protagonist Peter, and Venkman is willing to lay down his life zap the bad guy into oblivion to save her... oh yeah, and the human race.

Walter Peck

He doesn't really measure up to Gozer, but this uptight EPA agent does manage to cause a ton of trouble for the Ghostbusters. After being insulted by Venkman, Peck takes his revenge to an extreme by shutting off the containment system and then having the Ghostbusters arrested.

Luckily, the Mayor sees Peck for what he is (a jerk) and puts his faith in the Ghostbusters. In the end, this annoying Earthly antagonist is defeated just in time for our boys to go up against the real deal threat of Gozer.