Horton Hatches the Egg Meaning

Horton Hatches the Egg Meaning

What is this book really about?

Marxism for Toddlers

While we're all heady, here's a tip: you can use the elephant-bird to introduce your little ones to the Marxist dialectic: the idea that when two seemingly disparate things are fused together, something entirely new and surprising results. Um, duh. Thanks for the info, Marx. Any little kid knows that.

Dr. Seuss wasn't a Marxist (that we know of), but he was a closet Surrealist. Surrealism was heavily based on this (extremely simplified) idea of the dialectic. The point? To stir things up and get people to question—and hopefully try to overturn—the accepted order of things. Tell your kids all that and we guarantee they'll never ask about the birds and the, um, elephants ever again.