The Kite Runner Chapter 14 Summary

How It All Goes Down

June 2001

  • The chapter opens with Amir lowering the telephone. He's just gotten a mysterious call from Rahim Khan ,who is sick. Rahim Khan asks Amir to come back to Afghanistan: "Come. There is a way to be good again" (14.19).
  • Amir takes a walk and sees a pair of red kites. Dun-dun-dun.
  • Amir decides to go to Afghanistan to see Rahim Khan. He's still has trouble sleeping, but after he finally falls asleep he dreams of Hassan: "the hem of his green chapan [a long cloak] dragging behind him, snow crunching under his black boots [...]" (14.25).
  • The chapter ends with Amir on a flight to Afghanistan.