Detective Arbogast (Martin Balsam)’s Timeline and Summary

Detective Arbogast (Martin Balsam)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Arbogast is hired by Cassidy and/or Lowery to find Marion and the money she stole, without involving the police.
  • Arbogast goes to Sam's store and discovers Lila there; he decides that they don't know where Marion is.
  • He agrees to work with them to find her.
  • He investigates and investigates—and he discovers that Marion had been to the Bates Motel.
  • He interrogates Norman and gets him to admit Marion was there.
  • He wants to talk to Norman's mother, but Norman won't let him.
  • After he checks in with Lila and Sam, he goes back to the motel to try to talk to Norman's mother.
  • He gets into the house, goes up the stairs… and a woman rushes out and stabs him to death.
  • No more timeline for Arbogast.