Rain Man Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Rain Man? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which two characters share a kiss in the elevator of a Las Vegas casino?

Susanna and Charlie
Susanna and Ray
Ray and Iris
Charlie and Iris
Q. Which two characters share a sweet and intimate slow dance?

Susanna and Charlie
Susanna and Ray
Ray and Charlie
Charlie and Iris
Q. What does Charlie try to do to Ray late in the movie that freaks him out?

Tries to punch him
Tries to force him into an elevator against his will
Tries to hug him
Tries to get him to eat escargot
Q. When Charlie first takes Ray away from Wallbrook and holes up in a hotel, what wakes Raymond up that night?

The sound of a couple next door playing Nintendo.
The sound of Susanna and Charlie having sex
The sound of a couple next door fighting
A police car
Q. What is the name of the woman Ray takes a fancy to in the hotel bar?
