Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Star Wars: Return of the Jedi? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which set of emotions best describes the Dark Side of the Force?

sadness, grief, and regret
bitterness, resentment, and cynicism
anger, fear, and aggression
dizziness, nausea, and vomiting
Q. Who first told Luke that Darth Vader is his father?

Darth Vader
Maury Povich
Q. Why does Luke think he's endangering his friends' mission on Endor?

because Darth Vader can sense his presence
because the Emperor wants to kill him
because the Empire knows that he and Leia are siblings
because he keeps asking them to pull over and find a bathroom
Q. Why does the Emperor keep telling Luke to hit him?

he has a death wish
he thinks it's Luke's destiny to join the Dark Side
he wants to show Darth Vader that he was right about Luke
it tickles
Q. Why won't Luke give up on Darth Vader?

it's the only way to save the galaxy
he knows there's still good in him
he made a promise to Yoda on his deathbed
Vader still owes him twenty bucks