Norma Watching Her Own Movies

Norma Watching Her Own Movies

Admit it: If you were a once-famous movie star, you'd totally do this. Who could resist seeing yourself on the big screen?

But the problem with Norma is that she takes it too far. See, Norma likes to watch her own movies because she's in love with her own celebrity. Her craving for her own self-image reaches titanic levels—it assumes Kanye West-like dimensions.

Joe narrates this narcissistic movie-going experience: 

JOE: Sometimes as we watched, she'd clutch my arm or my hand, forgetting she was my employer, becoming just a fan, excited about that actress up there she saw on the screen… I guess I don't have to tell you who the star was. They were always her pictures—that's all she wanted to see.

Obviously, this shows that Norma is self-obsessed, but it also makes it clear that she lives primarily in the past (and in the glorious future she imagines for herself, in which she successfully recaptures the past). She has tons of pictures of herself littered around her house—nothing unusual in the present-day Age of the Selfie, admittedly—and she craves praise from fans, channeled through fan letters that are mostly manufactured by Max to help keep her cheerful.