


Character Role Analysis

Rachel Dawes

Poor old Rachel doesn't get to do a whole lot in this film, and when she does, it's relegated to a very shopworn female stereotype: the love interest. Bruce longs for Rachel and wants to be with her so bad that he's willing to give up being Batman (assuming the city's in good hands, of course). But Rachel's already putting the moves on the hotshot DA, and eventually chooses him over Bruce right before she's blown sky-high.

That's the extent of her purpose in this story: to give the boys something to fight over (and periodically save whenever the Joker gets too close), and to die tragically so that her fellas can either bring justice to her killer or go completely around the bend. It's a bum hand, but she plays it as well as she can, and at least she gets to throw a couple of punches in the meantime.