Production Studio

Production Studio

Twentieth Century Fox, Paramount Pictures, Lightstorm Entertainment

A few different production companies had a hand in Titanic's titanic success. First of all, there was Twentieth Century Fox, which has been specializing in hocking big budget, high-grossing fare for several decades.

As a matter of fact, James Cameron's other major blockbuster, Avatar, also came out of Twentieth Century Fox. Not enough to impress you? Well, some other examples of their work include The Martian, Lincoln, and the Taken series.

Yeah. Twentieth Century Fox goes big or goes home.

Paramount Pictures was also involved on the production side, and it has a similarly blockbuster-heavy resume that includes the Transformers and Iron Man movies and World War Z. It's not just all action movies, though—they're also responsible for bringing movies like The Wolf of Wall Street to market.

We could keep listing examples, but there are just too many. Like Fox, Paramount is a powerhouse studio with a long and varied list of successful, acclaimed films.

Finally, there's Lightstorm, which is James Cameron's own production company. Surprise, surprise: its films include a lot of Cameron-directed fare, including Avatar, The Abyss, and True Lies. Also, they produced Strange Days, which was directed by Cameron's then-wife, Kathryn Bigelow. It's not Paramount or Fox, but it's pretty impressive nonetheless.

Bottom line: Titanic is pretty typical of the productions for all three companies…because it was insanely successful.