
Andy's Room…and Beyond!

Andy's House

It's obvious right from the first few frames of Toy Story that Andy's house is a great place to be. The film opens with Andy playing very sweetly with his toys in the little makeshift Western box town he's set up. His room is neat and clean and he obviously cares for his possessions way better than literally any other six-year-old boy we've ever met.

Even Andy's family is charming. Sure, Mr. Potato Head doesn't like it when Molly drools on him too much, but Andy's mom is obviously loving and attentive and she's made a nice home for her two little kids. She's even throwing him a big birthday party a week before they pack up and move to a new house. This lady is supermom.

Of course, not everything is perfectly peachy at Andy's house. He's moving and this change of scenery is a big question mark for his toys. One of them could easily get lost or misplaced during the move. Andy's room is a setting where they toys know what's up and where they feel safe and secure, but that feeling can't last forever.

Not if we want some dramatic tension and adventures.

Dinoco & Pizza Planet

Naturally, the world outside of Andy's room isn't quite as safe and secure as life inside the house. At the gas station, Woody and Buzz find themselves stranded far from home and in a dark and deserted locale. Good luck walking home from there with those short legs.

Pizza Planet isn't much better. It's crowded inside and the kids running everywhere make it really, really hard for Woody and Buzz to get around without being seen. Plus, Buzz thinks the place is an actual spaceport.

The point is that things are much, much safer for the toys when they're in Andy's room. The outside world holds all kinds of dangers and unpredictability. Woody has to constantly be on the lookout for humans who might spot him. Also, he's in danger of being picked up and taken home by any random toddler that passes him by.

Sure, Andy might not play with him as much, but Woody would be a real dummy not to realize that even hanging in Andy's toy box is better than being out in the cold, cruel world.

Sid's House

If Andy's house is a place of sweetness and security, Sid's house is a living nightmare on Elm Street. Aside from the fact that Woody tells us he's terrified of even going near the place, the whole house is designed to look as creepy as possible—even from far away.

While Andy's house is airy and well decorated, Sid's home is outdated and claustrophobic. The backyard looks pretty torn up and destroyed and Sid's room seems like it could very well turn into a (human) torture chamber one day.

There are busy, suffocating patterns all over the walls and floors of the house, too. You might even notice that the carpet in the upstairs hallway have the same pattern as The Overlook Hotel in The Shining. When you buy your carpet from the same place they shop in horror movies, that's not a good sign.

You also don't see much of Sid's parents. His mom's voice is heard very briefly and his dad is seen sleeping in a chair, so we get the feeling they don't care much about Sid or Hannah, for that matter.

After all, the kid has ordered a rocket in the mail and is getting ready to potentially blow his hand off in the backyard…and no one seems to care much. As long as he's not bothering them, Sid's pretty much free to do whatever wicked little things he likes.

Geez, we almost feel bad for Sid. Almost.