Susannah Timeline and Summary


Susannah Timeline and Summary

  • When Mrs. Shandy goes into labor, Susannah takes off to find the midwife.
  • She comes down stairs to announce that she's cut her arm and the midwife has bruised her hip. In her role as bearer of bad news, she later comes down again to announce that Dr. Slop has crushed Tristram's nose.
  • More bad news: she finds Mr. Shandy in his bedroom, tells him that the baby is dying, and gets him to tell her what name to give the parson.
  • Of course, she forgets most of the name.
  • After news comes that Bobby has died, Susannah weeps because Mrs. Shandy won't be able to wear her nice clothes anymore. Priorities.
  • When Tristram needs to pee and the chamber pot isn't under the bed, she tells him to go out the window. The window falls in a most unfortunate place. She flees to Toby's house.
  • While holding the candle for Dr. Slop to bind up Tristram's penis, she sets fire to Dr. Slop's wig.
  • Many years earlier, Susannah announced to the whole neighborhood that Toby loved Widow Wadman.