Frankenstein (Gene Wilder)’s Timeline and Summary

Frankenstein (Gene Wilder)’s Timeline and Summary

  • After Frederick is done insisting he's a "Fronkensteen" not a "Frankenstein," he inherits the Frankenstein family castle and jets… er, trains off to Transylvania.
  • He meets Inga, Igor, and Frau Blucher (whinny) at the castle.
  • Creepy violin music leads him to his grandfather's laboratory… and his destiny.
  • Finding his infamous grandfather's personal journals, he becomes obsessed with the possibility of reanimation.
  • With Igor's help, he digs up a corpse and sticks a new brain in it. Add a bit of lightning and it's alive, it's alive!
  • It's also crazy. Igor accidentally provided an abnormal brain, and the monster almost kills the doctor.
  • They restrain the monster while Frederick distracts Inspector Kemp, assuring him there is absolutely no monster-making going at the castle, no siree.
  • Frederick teaches the monster to sing and dance, and they perform "Puttin' on the Ritz," but the monster gets scared and is captured by the police.
  • Back at the castle, Frederick and Inga have a roll in ze hay… well, the laboratory to be specific, just as Frederick's fiancée Elizabeth shows up.
  • The monster kidnaps Elizabeth, so Frederick has to play the violin again to get him back.
  • When the monster returns, Frederick performs a transference procedure to give the monster a more normal human mind.
  • Frederick survives the procedure, inherits the monster's behavior and schwanstucker, and marries Inga instead of Elizabeth. The end.