Lightning Bolts

Lightning Bolts

There aren't any bolts in this monster's neck, but there are tons of lightning bolts in the sky through the movie. Each one is followed by a classic shaking-a-giant-sheet-of-tin sound, which is how thunder sounded in the early 20th century. These are both cues to emphasize moments that would be scary (if this were a horror film and not a comedy) and serve as actual important plot devices later, because the Doctor needs lightning to revive his creation. If he lived in an area with no thunderstorms, this experiment doesn't work.
Thankfully, it seems to be storming everywhere in this movie. It even begins with a nighttime thunderstorm. It was a dark and stormy night…

Thunder and lightning is often paired with dramatic music, too. When Igor parks the hay wagon at the base of the castle, he gestures to the distance and says, "Well, there it is. Home." We cut to a shot of the scary castle, followed by classic dramatic music which you'd definitely recognize from a zillion other horror films.