Music (Score)

Music (Score)

John Morris

John Morris frequently collaborates with Mel Brooks, working with him on The Producers, Blazing Saddles, and Silent Movie, among others. He also worked on the comic masterpiece Clue, so Morris is an expert at scoring a comedy. Young Frankenstein's soundtrack mixes in stereotypical horror elements, too, like thunderclaps and the haunting violin music that Frau Blucher plays, luring Frankenstein to the secret lab.

The music greatly contributes to the film's classic feel. It is shot in black and white and uses a traditional Hollywood score to make it feel like a Frankenstein film of the 1930s.

And speaking of the 1930s, how about that iconic "Puttin' on the Ritz" dance number? Not only does it help take us back in time, it even adds to the satire behind the movie as a whole. Check it out: watch the scene again and see if you can spot the way it contrasts Mary Shelley's well-spoken, intelligent monster with the hulking, word-slurring monster that everyone associates with the character.

Pretty cool, huh?