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Essay Writing Videos

What Not to do in an Introduction

This video offers some rules of thumb for writing a good introduction. It covers everything from tone (confidence is key!) to phrases and clichés to avoid (no need to tell the reader you’re writing an essay—they already know that), and where to put (and not to put) that all-important thesis statement.

Descriptive Essay Example Videos 1 videos

Descriptive Essay

This video defines a descriptive essay—it’s just what it sounds like. It covers what makes a strong descriptive essay—from providing unique d...

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Essay Types Videos 14 videos

Argument Essay

Who doesn’t love a good argument? There’s something invigorating about persuading someone to come around to your point of view. And hey—if yo...

Descriptive Essay

This video defines a descriptive essay—it’s just what it sounds like. It covers what makes a strong descriptive essay—from providing unique d...

How to Know What Kind of Essay You're Writing

You should probably know what kind of essay you're writing before you actually start writing it. Just like you should probably know where you're go...

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Writing Elements and Process Videos 47 videos

Choosing a Topic

Choosing a topic can be extremely difficult—even more difficult than deciding which Ben & Jerry's flavor to try next. No, scratch that. Nothing w...

Escritura no Fácil

No busque una palabra negativa. Sino una palabra que pueda ser positiva. Tales son "no se caiga", " no molestes a tus maestros" "no se coma toda...

How to Avoid Repetition in an Essay

Reading repetitive essays can bore teachers to death because the essays repeat the same ideas repetitively. You don’t want your teacher to get bo...

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