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Literary Analysis Videos

TSI Reading: The Mongoose Is In the Details: Identifying Characterization

The details in the passage suggest that Rikki-tikki is

(A)cold-hearted and expressionless
(B)experienced in fighting cobras
(C)overcome with fear and weakness
(D)extremely brave and courageous

Identifying and Analyzing Ideas Videos 20 videos

TSI Reading: What Does the Young Maiden in the Poem Represent?

What does the young maiden represent in the poem?(A)fear and secrecy(B)love and passion(C)beauty and influence(D)recklessness and freedom

TSI Reading: Analyzing How the Author Creates a Mood

Which combination of words from the passage creates a mood of healing?(A)"was never sown" and "A lady of my own"(B)"the breathing balm" and "silenc...

TSI Reading: Using Context to Define Outdated Phrases

In line 21, "a human chattel" refers to(A)a slave(B)old men(C)angry people(D)violence

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