20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"And how did we run aground?"

"From a whim of nature, not from human error. There were no operational failures. However, we cannot prevent the effects of equilibrium. One can disdain human laws, but not resist natural ones." (2.15.31-2)

Master of the seas though he may be, Nemo cannot ignore all of nature's laws. Kinda like how gravity is always gravity, no matter where on earth you go.

Quote #11

"When we are back on land, and take for granted so many of these brilliant works of nature's," added Conseil, "what will we think of the grey landmasses and insignificant works of art man has hand-crafted! No, the inhabited world is no longer worthy of us!" (2.15.67)

Conseil thinks that man-made crap pales in comparison to all of the wonders of the natural world. We're pretty sure Aronnax agrees, except that he wants to be a famous scientist and all. You know, a man among men.