2001: A Space Odyssey Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Space pods were not the most elegant means of transport devised by man, but they were absolutely essential for construction and maintenance work in vacuum. (22.2)

The novel is careful to tell you how necessary and cool various bits of tech are. Three cheers for the imaginary space-pod! We couldn't get out of the imaginary ship without it.

Quote #5

They both knew, of course, that Hal was hearing every word, but they could not help these polite circumlocutions. Hal was their colleague, and they did not wish to embarrass him. (23.27)

Hal wavers somewhere between tool and person. He's a technology, but he's also a buddy. Humans built the brain, but the brain is still a brain—just as the aliens built human brains, but those brains are still people.

Quote #6

It was beyond all reason that Hal, who had performed flawlessly for so long, should suddenly turn assassin. (26.12)

Think of how you feel when your car breaks down, or the washer goes on the fritz, or the internet stops working. It's a betrayal; the technology has zapped you. How much more so if the technology were an evil supercomputer? You'd be surprised and disbelieving too.