A Great and Terrible Beauty Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Tom clears his throat. "What I mean to say is, did something happen to you? Did he…are you quite all right?" […]

"You want to know if I'm still chaste?"

"If you want to put it so plainly, yes."

Now I see that […] He's only concerned that I haven't shamed the family somehow. (3.43-46)

Even Gemma's own family is only worried about how she will look to the public, and how she will make them look as a unit—not whether she is suffering or needs support. This is a good example of cultural priorities in Gemma's world.

Quote #5

"Spence has turned out many wonderful young women who've gone on to make very good marriages." We don't expect much more from you. Please don't embarrass us. (4.52-53)

So Spence is a wife factory for the rich and famous, and young women are only valuable if they can become wives. Okay, so Gemma should leave her personality and wit at the door, since she clearly will not need them here.

Quote #6

"…While we can and will teach you the necessary skills to become England's future wives and mothers, hostesses and bearers of the Empire's feminine traditions, it will be up to you to apply yourselves with grace, charm, and beauty." (5.66)

All anyone expects of Gemma now is to act like the perfect porcelain puppet. Would you accept this fate? Gemma sure doesn't.