Friendship Quotes in Allegiant

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Sometimes I just feel like I've lost all my friends," [Christina] says. "You haven't lost Cara," [Tris] say[s]. "Or Tobias. And Christina, you haven't lost me. You'll never lose me." (39.61)

We talked about the "friendship as a finite resource" thing above. When your number of friends has dwindled down to single digits, life can be hard. But Tris tries to remind Cara that even one good friend makes life worth living.

Quote #8

Our friendship has held up under an incredible weight, the weight of me shooting someone she loved, the weight of so many losses. Other bonds would have broken. For some reason, this one hasn't. (39.62)

Why do you think Christina and Tris remain such close friends, even after everything Tris does that affects Christina... like that time she shot her boyfriend?

Quote #9

I don't belong to Abnegation, or Dauntless, or even the Divergent […] I belong to the people I love, and they belong to me—they, and the love and loyalty I give them, form my identity far more than any word or group ever could. (47.20)

This is a big step for Tris, who always picked her friends based on their faction and didn't seem to even consider being friends with someone in a different faction. By the end of the novel, she knows that she can be friends with people based on their individual traits and personalities, not based on how society labels them.