Guilt and Regret Quotes in Allegiant

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I am up to the challenge of bearing the guilt and the grief, up to facing the difficulties that life has put in my path. Some days are harder than others, but I am ready to live each one of them. (41.32)

Maybe this is the only way to get through life: to push through the grief resulting from all the mistakes you made. At least, that's how Tobias has to learn to get through life. No wonder he wants to erase his memory at the end. But maybe grief and guilt make us who we are, to some extent. Erasing painful memories may sound nice, but what would we be without our memories, even the painful ones?

Quote #8

"I'm not sure it's love that's motivating [Caleb], though […] It seems more like guilt." (41.40)

Sacrificing yourself because of guilt is against the Abnegation way. Abnegation do everything they do out of love. Maybe it's the Erudite side of Caleb that keeps him thinking and living inside his head, unable to get past the regret.

Quote #9

"I guess it feels like it's the only way I can escape the guilt for all the things I've done," [Caleb] says. (45.39)

Death is a good way to escape guilt, we guess. Heck, it's a good way to escape everything. You can't feel guilt, or any emotion, when you're dead. (As far as we know.) Does that make it an easy way out?