The Home Quotes in Allegiant

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Chicago. It's so strange to have a name for the place that was always just home to me. It makes the city smaller in my mind. (17.41)

Labeling the city makes it seem smaller to Tris. Labeling does that in general. Tris realizes the same thing about being labeled "Dauntless" or "Divergent": it makes her seem smaller than she actually is.

Quote #5

"Chicago takes up about two hundred twenty-seven square miles," says Zoe. "The land area of the planet is a little less than two hundred million square miles. The percentage is… so small as to be negligible." (19.52)

Some of Tris's friends have a hard time with the fact that their city is, in fact, so small. We wonder how they would feel if they were from, like, Paris, TX or something. Why do they need their city to be the only thing there is?

Quote #6

"I don't know," Uriah says, and he sounds serious now. "I'm not sure anywhere will feel like home again. Not even if we went back." (19.87)

Uriah (and everyone else) has been lied to both by the people of Chicago and by the people of the Bureau. A place can't feel like home if it's built on lies.