Lies and Deceit Quotes in Allegiant

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I'm not a good liar, so instead I select a part of the truth. (4.7)

Is telling only partial truths the same as lying? If Tobias is good at keeping things from people, doesn't that make him a good liar?

Quote #5

"[My mother and sister] just want me to live an honest life, you know? And I can't do that here. I just know that I can't." (7.16)

What is keeping Christina from being honest if she stays in Chicago? Is Christina's entire life a lie if she stays in Chicago? Is it possible to live honestly when everything around you is a lie?

Quote #6

"A lie of omission is still a lie." (8.62)

Ah, we're thinking about partial truths and lies again. According to Christina's sister, a partial truth is the same as a lie. The fact that Tris agrees (and therefore agrees not to keep anything from Tobias) shows huge growth on her part.