Almost Famous Art and Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Almost Famous.

Quote #10

WILLIAM: You guys, you're always talking about the fans… she was your biggest fan!

William seriously lays into Russell and the band during their near-death experience aboard the airplane. Russell betrayed Penny—Stillwater's biggest fan—just like they've all betrayed every one of their fans by letting their egos get in the way of the music.

Quote #11

SAPPHIRE: They don't even know what it is to be a fan. Y'know? To truly love some silly little piece of music, or some band, so much that it hurts.

Sapphire, one of the original Band Aids, reminds Russell what it means to be a fan—something that Russell has long since forgotten. He realizes he has lost touch with the very reason why he became a musician. And worse, he has betrayed his biggest fan: Penny.

Quote #12

WILLIAM: What do you love about music?
RUSSELL: To begin with… everything.

With William's help, Russell gets back to the basics. He plays music for the love, and that's all that should matter. That's the passionate place the best art comes from, and also the antidote to the big-business mentality the band ultimately rejects.