Almost Famous Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Almost Famous.

Quote #4

William's mother uses the family whistle to find him after the concert.

Every family has their little quirks, and having their very own "family whistle" is just one of the Millers' many eccentricities. But quirky as it may be, this whistle demonstrates Elaine's attention to the safety and well-being of her children.

Quote #5

WILLIAM: My dad died of a heart attack, and my sister believes that my mom is so intense that she had to escape our family […] I mean, they don't even speak to each other anymore […]. It's good to talk about it.

William doesn't have many friends, so he doesn't get to share his story often. It's significant for him to finally have the space to vent his frustrations.

Quote #6

ELAINE: Could you give him a message for me… I know what's going on.

Elaine does not approve of the rock-and-roll lifestyle in the slightest. She associates rock and roll with commercialism, corrupted values, and—worst of all—drugs. Overbearing? Maybe. Wrong? We'll let you be the judge.