Angels in America, Part One: Millennium Approaches Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

Harper: You were going to save me, but the whole time you were spinning a lie (2.9.44).

Joe admits that he knew he was gay when he married Harper. He seems to have sincerely thought that it was something he could fight and control. Harper, however, feels lied to and betrayed. What do you think? Is Joe guilty of betrayal, for hiding his homosexuality and marrying his wife in the first place?

Quote #8

Roy: It's OK that you hurt me because I love you, baby Joe. That's why I'm so rough on you. (3.4.32)

After Harper disappears, Joe decides that there's just no way he can take the job in Washington. Roy feels totally betrayed by this – he was counting on Joe to help protect him from getting disbarred. However, the things Roy wants Joe to do at the Justice Department are totally against Joe's principles. If he did what Roy wanted, Joe would be betraying himself. Not to mention the fact that he'd be abandoning his wife, who he knows is probably wandering the streets of New York in a hallucinatory daze.

Quote #9

Louis: I think, if you touch me, your hand might fall off or something. Worse things have happened to people who have touched me. (3.7.22)

It sounds like Louis is still feeling pretty guilty over his betrayal of Prior. It's like Joe's touch almost hurts him. When he takes Joe home with him, is this the ultimate betrayal, or is it Louis just doing what he has to do to stay alive?