Angels in America, Part One: Millennium Approaches Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

Joe: Mom. Momma. I'm a homosexual, Momma. (2.8.10)

It looks like Joe is finally beginning to come to terms with his sexuality. It's interesting that he chooses to first come out to his mom, Hannah, who he knows will not approve. Why do you think he chooses Hannah over Harper or Louis?

Quote #8

Joe: I try to tighten my heart into a knot, a snarl, I try to learn to live dead, just numb, but then I see someone I want and it's like a nail, like a hot spike right through my chest, and I know I'm losing. (2.9.28)

When he comes out to his wife, Joe gives us yet another wrenching description of the pains of being in the closet.

Quote #9

Joe: I... want... to touch you. Can I please just touch you... um, here?
Stage Direction: He puts his hand on one side of Louis's face. He holds it there.
Joe: I'm going to hell for doing this. (3.6.23)

This is the first time, as far as we know, that Joe has ever come on to a man. Though he seems to have come to accept the reality of his sexuality, he still can't let go of the values he was raised with. He acknowledges that he's gay, but he still feels like it's a sin.