Angels in America, Part One: Millennium Approaches Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

Mr. Lies: There are no Eskimos in Antarctica. And you're not really pregnant. You made that up.
Harper: Well all of this is made up. So if the snow feels cold I'm pregnant. Right? Here, I can be pregnant. And I can have any kind of a baby I want. (3.2.19)

It's interesting that Harper fully recognizes that she's hallucinating her journey to Antarctica. Somehow she's able to give herself over to this fantastical reality while still knowing that it isn't real. (Kind of like when you know you're dreaming but you still don't wake up.)

Quote #8

Roy: What is this, Ethel, Halloween? You trying to scare me? (3.5.52)

Now it's Roy's turn to hallucinate, when he sees Ethel Rosenberg, an alleged Soviet spy whom Roy broke the law to help execute. Wait a minute, though, is Roy imagining this, or is she a ghost? Either could be true. Later in the scene, Ethel picks up the phone, dials 911, and speaks to the operator. What level of reality does that put her in exactly?

Quote #9

Prior: Are you... a ghost, Lou?
Louis: No. Just spectral. Lost to myself. Sitting all day on cold park benches. Wishing I could be with you. Dance with me, babe...  (3.6.21)

Prior imagines that he's dancing with Louis just before the angel arrives. Of course, if we take this "spectral" vision of Louis at his word, then this is more than mere imagining. We could be in the same version of reality as the scene in which Harper and Prior meet in a shared dream.