Arcadia Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene)

Quote #10

Chloë: The future is all programmed like a computer – that's a proper theory, isn't it? [...] But it doesn't work, does it?
Valentine: No. It turns out the maths is different.
Chloë: No, it's all because of sex.
Valentine: Really?
Chloë: That's what I think. The universe is deterministic all right, just like Newton said, I mean it's trying to be, but the only thing going wrong is people fancying people who aren't supposed to be in that part of the plan.
Valentine: Ah. The attraction that Newton left out. (2.7)

It's unlikely the Chloë model of physics will be coming to your class textbook any time soon. But her comments do point out that even if the atoms are all going to plan, it's hard to see how matters of human experience – sex, love, and rock 'n' roll – are shaped by what's going on at the level of the atom.