Around the World in Eighty Days Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It was thereabouts that Feringhea, the Thuggee chief, king of the stranglers, held his sway. These ruffians, united by a secret bond, strangled victims of every age in honor of the goddess Death, without ever shedding blood; there was a period when this part of the country could scarcely be travelled over without corpses being found in every direction. (11.9)

Phileas needs to hurry that elephant up through the jungles of India. On a totally different note, Thuggee and the Stranglers might make an amazing band name.

Quote #8

"Not at all; but I knew that some obstacle or other would sooner or later arise on my route." (11.16)

A prepared adventurer is a much more successful adventurer. Nothing like well-equipped exploring.

Quote #9

In ten minutes several revolver-shots could be exchanged. (29.12)

Defending oneself on an adventure is definitely key to making sure you make it home (outside of a coffin-shaped box). But defending your honor with pistols? We're thinking Phileas Fogg and Colonel Proctor could've just played Rock-Paper-Scissors.