Beauty and the Beast Sacrifice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Beauty and the Beast.

Quote #4

BEAST: Fine! Then go ahead and STARVE!!! If she doesn't eat with me, then she doesn't eat at all!

Belle is happy to make a sacrifice of another sort: giving up food to make a stand on principle. She is NOT going to be ordered around.

Quote #5

BELLE: By the way, thank you…for saving my life.

The scene in the snow is one of the most important in the whole movie because it shows us how the Beast is willing to sacrifice himself to keep Belle safe. And Belle gives up her chance to get away by taking her savior back to the castle.

Quote #6

BEAST: Then you must go to him. 

BELLE: What did you say? 

BEAST: I release you. You're no longer my prisoner.

And here it is: the Beast's first true gesture of love. He sacrifices everything—his shot at being human again, his time with her, even the happiness of his servants—because Belle needs to go to her father. Of course, she's making a sacrifice too by leaving the Beast and her friends, but it's a sacrifice made for someone else's sake.