


Character Role Analysis

Roy Batty, Eldon Tyrell

If you don't want to take an alternative view and argue that Roy is the movie's true protagonist, you'll probably see him as the antagonist. He's the leader of the replicants, after all, and it's Deckard's duty to kill him and his followers. Deckard creates the mess that generates the movie's action: if he hadn't hijacked a space shuttle and flown it to earth, none of this would be happening. He's the fly in the ointment, the problem that needs to be worked out.

But you might also say that Eldon Tyrell is the movie's true antagonist. Tyrell runs the evil corporation that creates and enslaves replicants, forcing Roy, Pris, and the others into a life of bondage—so he's really the bad dude who started it all, creating the intolerable circumstances that drive the movie's action.