Blade Runner Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Blade Runner.

Quote #4

DECKARD: Replicants are like any other machine. They're either a benefit or a hazard. If they're a benefit, it's not my problem.

This quote demonstrates that Deckard hasn't really seen the true humanity of the replicants yet. He still views them the same way that everyone else does, as tools and biological machines. But falling in love with Rachael and receiving mercy from Roy helps change his perspective.

Quote #5

RACHAEL: I'm not in the business. I am the business.

Rachael points out that she—an apparently conscious being, not particularly different from other humans—has been turned into a commodity. Even though she's alive, she's completely enslaved to the money interests that have created her.

Quote #6

RACHAEL: Do you like our owl?

DECKARD: It's artificial?

RACHAEL: Of course it is.

In Blade Runner's version of 2019, many animals have become extinct—hence, the ones we encounter in the movie, from Tyrell's owl to Zhora's snake, are all artificial, the animal equivalents of replicants. In Philip K. Dick's novel Do Android's Dream of Electric Sheep?, owls are the first species to go extinct.