Bonnie and Clyde Society And Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Bonnie and Clyde.

Quote #7

FARMER: And all I can says is they did right with me. And I'm bringing me a mess of flowers to their funeral.

During the same robbery, Clyde spares a farmer who said that the money in his hand was his, not the bank's. The farmer was surprised and delighted that Clyde let him keep his money and made this comment to the press afterwards. Acts such as this helped to increase Clyde's celebrity as a modern-day Robin Hood, even though he wasn't doing quite the same thing as the famed outlaw of Sherwood Forest.

Quote #8

CLYDE: I expect you've been reading about us.

Clyde says this to Eugene and Velma soon after the gang picks them up and drives away with them. Like Bonnie and the others, he enjoys the notoriety the gang has now achieved and the fact that most people around are following their exploits.

Quote #9

SPEAKER 1: That's Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker.

SPEAKER 2: What happened to them?

SPEAKER 3: They famous?

SPEAKER 4: Sure enough.

These quotes come from various people in a camp of homeless people who see the wounded Bonnie and Clyde in the backseat of C.W.'s car. Everyone at the camp seems fascinated by the sight of the two, as if they're seeing a movie star or famous sports figure. They are, in a word, transfixed. One man even makes a point of touching Clyde with his hand. While Bonnie and Clyde's time might be running out, their celebrity is still growing.