Bonnie and Clyde Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Bonnie and Clyde.

Quote #7

HAMER: I figure to have my picture took with them two just one more time.

As another law officer looks at the photo the gang took of Frank Hamer with Bonnie and Clyde, Hamer makes this comment. He clearly isn't interested in capturing the two alive. He wants them dead, and he wants to have his picture taken with him the way a big game hunter might have a picture taken with a trophy kill.

Quote #8

MALCOLM: You just be sure you're off the streets in that town when they get in their car.

After he's told Hamer of Bonnie and Clyde's whereabouts, Malcolm tells C.W. not to get back in Bonnie and Clyde's car with them when they leave town the next day. He, of course, knows the plan to bring down Bonnie and Clyde.

Quote #9

BONNIE: Hey, isn't that Malcolm there?

These are Bonnie's last words. She says them as they see Malcolm standing next to what looks like a flat tire. Clyde gets out to help, and he and Bonnie are both killed in a hailstorm of bullets in the film's final ambush—in many ways, the most violent and shocking scene of all.