Brave New World Bernard Marx Quotes

The words awoke a plaintive echo in Bernard's mind. Alone, alone… "So am I," he said, on a gush of confidingness. "Terribly alone."

"Are you?" John looked surprised. "I thought that in the Other Place… I mean, Linda always said that nobody was ever alone there."

Bernard blushed uncomfortably. "You see," he said, mumbling and with averted eyes, "I'm rather different from most people, I suppose. If one happens to be decanted different…"

"Yes, that's just it." The young man nodded. "If one's different, one's bound to be lonely." (8.62-7)

It's fascinating that these menin completely different worlds, with completely different upbringings, environments, and realitieshave discovered the same universal truth.

Bernard Marx

Quote 11

"But what were your rhymes?" Bernard asked.

"They were about being alone."


"Well, I gave them that as an example, and they reported me to the Principal."

"I'm not surprised," said Bernard. "It's flatly against all their sleep-teaching. Remember, they've had at least a quarter of a million warnings against solitude." (12.52-8)

In case you forgot that solitude was outlawed…

Bernard Marx

Quote 12

"Talking about her as though she were a bit of meat." Bernard ground his teeth. "Have her here, have her there." Like mutton. Degrading her to so much mutton. She said she'd think it over, she said she'd give me an answer this week. Oh, Ford, Ford, Ford." He would have liked to go up to them and hit them in the face—hard, again and again. (3.139)

Bernard's disgust has much to do with identity; he feels that Lenina is being defined solely by her body—as mere "meat."