Brave New World John the Savage Quotes

John the Savage

Quote 4

"It's like that in Shakespeare too. 'If thou cost break her virgin knot before all sanctimonious ceremonies may with full and holy rite…'" (13.63)

John gets his notions of chastity and honor both from the Native Americans on the Reservation and from Shakespeare.

John the Savage

Quote 5

"The murkiest den, the most opportune place" (the voice of conscience thundered poetically), "the strongest suggestion our worser genius can, shall never melt mine honour into lust. Never, never!" he resolved. (13.71)

John repeats his Shakespearean phases the same way Lenina, Fanny, and Henry recite their hypnopaedic teachings. Is this just another form of indoctrinated thought?

John the Savage

Quote 6

But her perfume still hung about him, his jacket was white with the powder that had scented her velvety body. "Impudent strumpet, impudent strumpet, impudent strumpet." The inexorable rhythm beat itself out. "Impudent…" (13.100)

Again we see the notions of rhythm and music tied up with violence and sex. This prepares us for the final orgy-porgy scene in which John repeats his saying in a rhythmic way while the people beat each other "in six-eight time."