Catch-22 Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #19

[Sergeant Knight:] "Doc Daneeka's up there, too."

"I'm right here," contended Doc Daneeka, in a strange and troubled voice, darting an anxious look at Sergeant Knight. (30.38-39)

Sergeant Knight believes that Doc Daneeka is on board McWatt's plane when he is clearly not. It is implied that Yossarian is the secret cause of this because he puts Daneeka's name down on the flight log.

Quote #20

"Won't you fight for your country?" Colonel Korn demanded, emulating Colonel Cathcart's harsh, self-righteous tone. "Won't you give up your life for Colonel Cathcart and me?"

Yossarian tensed with alert astonishment when he heard Colonel Korn's concluding words. "What's that?" he exclaimed. "What have you and Colonel Cathcart got to do with my country? You're not one and the same."

"How can you separate us?" Colonel Korn inquired with ironical tranquility. (40.33-35)

One result of the bureaucracy in Catch-22 is the confusion of the officials with the nation itself. Their identities become merged in the public eye.

Quote #21

The fat, gruff colonel reminded Yossarian of the fat, gruff colonel who had interrogated the chaplain and found him guilty. (41.14)

Yossarian's identity is confused with that of the chaplain because he has memories that he could not have unless he was with the chaplain during the interrogation. He was not.