Catch-22 Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #13

Nately exploded in frustration. "Now don't argue with me. I'm the man and you have to do whatever I say." (33.78)

Nately shows what love definitely is not by expecting his prostitute to obey him because of his gender.

Quote #14

All at once he realized – though the writhing turbulence beneath him had not diminished one whit – that she was no longer grappling with him, recognized with a quiver that she was not fighting him but heaving her pelvis up against him remorselessly in the primal, powerful rhapsodic instinctual rhythm of erotic ardor and abandonment. He gasped in delighted surprise. Her face – as beautiful as a blooming flower to him now – was distorted with a new kind of torture, the tissues serenely swollen, her half-closed eyes misty and unseeing with the stultifying languor of desire […].

He stroked her hair. She drove her mouth against his face with savage passion. He licked her neck. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged. He felt himself falling, falling ecstatically in love with her as she kissed him again and again with lips that were steaming and wet and soft and hard, mumbling deep sounds to him adoringly in an incoherent oblivion of rapture, one caressing hand on his back slipping deftly down inside his trouser belt while the other groped secretly and treacherously about on the floor for the bread knife and found it. He saved himself just in time. She still wanted to kill him! He was shocked and astounded by her depraved subterfuge as he tore the knife from her grasp and hurled it away. (38.17-19)

According to this passage, sex can be used as a deception, a decoy, during which Nately's prostitute can find the means to attack Yossarian.